Hi! I’m Marissa…

Welcome to a little part of my world, Centerpiece Communications.

This very magical venture of mine has been a long time in the making. How did we get here? I will try to give you the short version…

I’m from Shaker Heights, Ohio. That place is so dear to my heart. My family is still based there, so that makes me a frequent visitor. If I’m home, you’ll see me at Yoga Roots or Mitchell’s Ice Cream nearly everyday. That’s balance, right?!

Boulder, Colorado became my second home when I moved out west for college — Sko Buffs! I ended up spending nearly a decade living in, what I think, is one of the coolest towns in the world.

My work for the past 10+ has been rooted in Marketing & Communications with an emphasis on both Community Building and Sustainability. I’ve worked in all types of organizations — small community partnerships, mid-size agencies, and large universities. One of my all-time favorite roles was being the Marketing Manager for the Downtown Boulder Partnership for three years right after college. To this day, you’ll still see some of my work as you walk down the beautiful Pearl Street Mall.

In 2019, I leapt into a passion of mine — Sustainable Food Systems. Farming and good-food are both huge parts of my life. Through this exploration, I ended up with a Masters of Environment (MENV) from CU Boulder and a fancy job at a “purpose-driven” marketing agency working for one of the biggest agriculture companies in the world. That was a trip…

After two-years on the agency grind, I chose the path that led to more fun and more travel. There have been highs and lows, but everyday I receive the biggest blessing — I get to choose how I spend my time.

At the start of 2023, I chose to spend my time launching a membership community alongside my mom. I’ve learned so much from building Ascend Appraisers, a first-of-its-kind community for women in the real estate appraisal profession. I could talk for days about the all amazing things (and people!) that business has brought into my life…

Now, here is where you come in. I’ve created Centerpiece Communications as a vehicle to support service-based business owners. While it’s started with supporting clients 1:1, I’m really looking forward to everything that’s to come. So, stay tuned…

Oh! And I love yoga, ginger mojitos, and most importantly, long walks on the beach.

Marissa Headshot

"I could not have launched my business without the knowledge, guidance or handholding of Marissa. She is supportive, creative and really cares about setting me up for success. Through our collaboration, Marissa was able to understand the kind of person I am and how I want to serve clients. Her intuition and business skills led to the creation of my beautiful website, content and much more. Marissa was able to visually capture my message, not just in words but through graphic design and layout. Now that my business is launched, Marissa and I are working on moving me in the direction I've always wanted to go. "

— Mimi Karon, Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Teacher

 Things you might
be curious about…

  • I live Surf City, NC — a sleepy beach town on Topsail Island — where I teach yoga, surf and bop around town with my laptop in tow.

  • Yes! Actually, I did.

    I have a BA in Communications from the University of Colorado Boulder (‘16). During my undergrad I majored in Communications, minored in Geography and earned a Certificate in Digital Media from CU’s School of Technology, Arts, and Media.

    Three years after graduating, I returned to CU Boulder to attend their incredible Masters of Environment (MENV) Graduate Program. I specialized in Sustainable Food Systems and got to work on so many impactful projects.


  • I love working with solo-preneurs in the coaching and membership world that need just a little bit of extra support in their businesses. Of course I am open to working with other types of clients as well. Just book a Discovery Call to see if it’s the right fit!

    I don’t really have the time to work with someone 10+ hours per week AND my clients often times don’t have the need that level of support or have the budget to bring someone on in that capacity.

    I’ve found that small but INTENTIONAL touch-points (Weekly Roadmap Calls) paired with a few hours of ad-hoc Business Management support gives my clients the momentum they need to grow and sustain their business.

    Minor investment, MAJOR impact.

  • My clients receive an invoice at the end of each month that they have 15-days to fulfill.

    If you are a Weekly Roadmap client, the invoice will include a detailed outline of ad-hoc support as well as your monthly meeting retainer fee.

  • YES! Of course.

    I wouldn’t operate without one. It is so important that we protect our working relationship. You will have the opportunity to review and sign my client service agreement ahead of our first official call.

    And if you don’t have a client contract yourself… I will point you in the right direction to help you get your ducks in a row.

 Anything else you’d like to know? Feel free to send me an email at marissa@srsbizz.com.

Contact me.

Marissa Miller
(216) 246-1326

Mailing Address:
1023 Kenilworth Ave
Cleveland, OH 44113